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Generation of computer

     An Idea which inspired to create a different type of calculating machine was came from an ancient device named ABACUS.ABACUS is a simple calculating table which is used to perform simple calculation at that time
The first electronic computer was designed & built at the university of Pennsylvania based on vacuum tube technology. Vacuum tubes were used to perform logic operations & to store data.
Generations of computers has been divided into five categories according to the development of technologies used to fabricate the Processors, Memories & I/O units.
1st Generation :- 1945 - 1955
                   {ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator & Calculator
                    EDSAC - Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
                    EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
                    UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer
                    IBM 701}
1938 "KONRAD ZUSE" Built the first digital relay computer named ENIAC. After 1946 two American " J.Presper Eckert " & " John Mauchly " build 2nd ENIAC with vacuum tube technology.
After using of vacuum tube technology " Charles Babbage " the person who invented small size Computer.
* Vacuum tubes were used basic arithmetic operations.
* Consume more power with limited performance.
* High cost.
* Mercury delay line memories & electrostatic memories were used.
* Punched cards & paper tapes were invented to feed programs & data & to get result.
* Magnetic tape / magnetic drum were used as secondary memory.
* Mainly used for scientific computations.

2nd Generation :- 1955 - 1965
  { Manufacturers - IBM 7030, Digital Data Corporation's PDP 1/5/8 Honeywell 400}
2nd gen computer
 * Transistors were used in place of vacuum tubes.(Invented at AT & T Bell lab in 1947)
* Small in size comparison to ENIAC.
* Laser power consumption & better performance.
* Magnetic tapes & Magnetic disks were used as secondary memory.
* Magnetic ferrite core memories were used as main memory which is a Random Access Memory.
* High level languages like FORTRAN , COBOL etc were used.
* Separate input-output processors were developed that could operate in parallel with CPU.
* Punched cards continued During this period also.
* Increasingly used in Business, Industry & Commercial organisation.

3rd Generation :- 1965 - 1975
  { System 360 Mainframe from IBM, PDP - 8 mini computer from Digital Equipment Corporation }
                                                               3rd gen computer
* ICs were used.
* Small scale integration & medium scale integration technology were implemented in CPU,I/O Processors.
* In the beginning magnetic core memories were used , but they were replaced by semi conductor memories (RAM / ROM).
* Introduced micro programming.
* Operating system software were introduced.
* Cache & virtual memories were introduced.
* High level languages were standardized by ANSI.
* Database management, Multi-user application, Online systems like closed loop process control, airline reservation, automatic industrial control etc emerged in this period.

4th Generation :- 1975 - 1989
  { Intel's 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, Motorola's 68000, 68030, 68040, Apple II, CRAY I/2/X/MP etc.}
4th gen computer
*  CPU were introduced ( Complete processors & large section of main memory could be implemented in a single chip )
* VLSI design implemented ( thousands of transistors can be placed in a single chip )
* CRT screen, Laser & Inkjet printers, Scanners were developed.
* Semiconductor memory chips were used as the main memory.
* Floppy disks & magnetic tapes were used for backup memory.
* LAN & WAN were developed.
* Introduced C language & Unix OS.
* Introduced Graphical user interface.
* Very compact & increase in the speed of operation.

5th Generation :- 1989 - Present
  { IBM notebooks, Pentium PCs - Pentium 1 /2 /3 /4 /Dual Core /Quad Core, Sun work Stations, Origin 2000, PARAM 10000, IBM SP/2}
               5th gen computers
* Computers based on artificial intelligence are available.
* Computers use extensive parallel processing, multiple processors etc.
* Introduced "Ultra Large Scale Integration"(ULSI) technology.
  < Intel's P4 microprocessor contain 55 million transistors million of components on a single IC chip >
* Super scalar, Vector, SIMD Processors, 32 bit micro controllers & embeded processors, Digital signal processors (DSP) have been developed.
* Memory chip up to 1 GB, Hard disk drives up to 180 GB are available(still increasing)
* Object oriented language like JAVA suitable for internet programming has been developed.
* Introduced World Wide Web (e-mail, e-commerce, multimedia application etc.)
* New operating systems developed [ Windows 95 / 98 / XP / Linux etc. ]
* Got hot pluggable features.



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