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Fundamental of computer

Types of computer:-

Mainly computers are divided into 4 types according to there function & capacity.
  1. Super Computer
  2. Mainframe Computer
  3. Mini Computer
  4. Micro Computer

1)) Super Computer :-

  { CRAY Research: CRAY - 1 & CRAY - 2, Fujitsu (VP 2000), Hitachi (S820), NEC (SX 20), PARAM 10000 by C-DAC, Anupam by BARC, PACE series by DRDO }
  • Most powerful computer system - needs a large room.
  • Minimum world length is 64 bits.
  • CPU speed : 100 MIPS.
  • Equivalent to 4000 computers.
  • High cost : 4 - 5 millions.
  • Able to handle large no. of data.
  • High power consumption.
  • High precision.
  • Large & fast memory ( Primary & Secondary )
  • Uses multiprocessing & parallel processing
  • supports multi programming.

Applications :-
  • In petroleum industry - to analyze volumes of seismic data which are gathered during oil seeking explorations to identify areas where there is possibility of getting petroleum products inside the earth.
  • In aerospace industry - to simulate airflow around an aircraft at different speeds & altitude. This helps in producing an effective aerodynamic design for superior performance.
  • meteorological centers use super computer for weather forecasting. 
  • For weapons research & development, sending rockets to space etc.
  • In automobile industry - to do crash simulation of the design of an automobile before it is released for manufacturing - for better automobile design.
  • In biomedical research - atomic nuclear & plasma analysis to study the structure of viruses.

2)) Mainframe Computer :-

  { IBM 3000 series, Burroughs B7900, Univac 1180, DEC }
  • Able to process large amount of data at very high speed.
  • Supports multi user facility.
  • Number of processors varies from one to six.
  • Cost : reached some million.
  • Kept in air conditioned room to keep them cool.
  • Supports many I / O & auxiliary storage devices.
Applications :-
  • Used to manage large centralized database.
  • Used to process large amount of data at very high speed used in Banks / Railways / Insurance companies / Hospitals.
  • Used as controlling nodes in WANs.

3)) Mini computers :-

  { Digital Equipment PDP 11 / 45 & VAX 11 }
  • Designed to support more than one user at a time.
  • Support faster peripheral devices like high speed printers.
  • Can also communicate with Mainframes.
  • Perform better than Micros.
  • Large in size & costlier than micros.
  • Posses large storage Capacities & operates at higher speed.
Applications :-
  • Used to control & monitor production process.
  • These computers are used when the volume of processing is large.
  • To analyze results of experiments in laboratories.
  • Used as servers in LANs.

4)) Micro Computers :-

  { IBM PC, PS / 2 & Apple Machintosh }
  •  Micro computers are designed to be used by only one person at a time.
  • Small to medium data storage capacities.
  • A Micro computer uses a micro processor as it's central processing unit
  • Micro computers are tiny computers that can vary in size from a single chip to the size of a desktop model.
Applications :-
  • Used in the field of Desktop Publishing (DTP), Accounting, Statistical analysis, Graphic Designing, Investment analysis, Project Management, Teaching, Entertainment etc.
  • Different models of Microcomputers are
  1. Personal Computers
  2. Note Book / Lap Top
  3. Palm Top
  4. Wrist PC.


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